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 . . . —a big hint— comes after the 6 sec mark... and so on... What I need to find is some way to extract the song name and artist (with or without extention) from each line of the output, preferably as in the form: songname, artist, album, year, number-track I have been using the lines awk '/somestring/{print $2"="$3"="$4"="$5"="$6"="$7}' but unfortunately this one does not work... A: This awk should do it: awk -F, '/ name :/ {name = $2; cnt = 1} / IG-officiallykingvegason/ {print name, cnt, $4}' file.txt 1 - christmas. Artist: Elvira. Name: christmas. 1 - man. Artist: Dre 2 - winturt. Artist: Dre You can split your text on spaces and then print on the basis of the first and the seventh token. The easiest way to split the text (on the space character) is to pipe it into cut, e.g. cut -d'' -f 1,7 -f 2- file.txt If you want to count the number of tokens, you can use GNU bash builtins as they are more portable than awk: wc -l import { Matrix




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